"readme-EPD" for "40H-EPD-2023B" Tools & Utilities "40H-EPD" is a collection of 28 "EPD" command-line utility tools by Norman Pollock (USA) for use in "Windows" or in a "Java Runtime Environment". "40H-EPD" tools and instructions are copyright (c) 2010-2023 by Norman Pollock. All rights reserved. "40H-EPD" can be freely distributed and used for non-commercial purposes as long as "40H-EPD" is kept intact and no changes are made to any files. Any commercial distribution or use of "40H-EPD", or any of its files, is strictly forbidden. Disclaimer: The "40H-EPD" package is distributed "as is". No warranty or guarantee of any kind is expressed or implied. The user assumes all risks of usage. The author is not responsible for any damage or losses of any kind caused by the use or misuse of the tools or this "readme-EPD" file. Current download sites for "40H Tools": 40hchess.epizy.com nk-qy.info/40h (Thanks to Frank Quisinsky) Please bookmark. Contact: Norman Pollock rc1242@yahoo.com ==================================================================== FAQ: 1. What is the purpose of "40H" tools? "40H" tools enable users to do specific chess tasks. 2. What computer skills are needed to use the "40H" tools? The user has to be able to use command-line commands in a "Command Prompt" window. 3. Where are the full usage instructions for each "40H-EPD" tool? They are in the last section of this "readme". Please be sure to read the relevant instructions before use. 4. What does the term "40H" have to do with chess? 40H is a hexadecimal and computer science number that is equal to the number of squares in a chessboard. 40H = 64 decimal. 5. Do the "40H" tools require Internet access? Only to download the tools. 6. On which platforms will the "40H" tools work? "40H" tools come in 2 formats: "Windows" executables and "Java" class files for all major platforms including "Linux" and "Mac". Another option for non-"Windows" platforms is to use "Wine" See the "Java / Wine" section below for more details. 7. Are the "40H" tools portable? Yes. You can even save them on a flash drive and use them on different PCs. They are single files and no "dlls" are required. They do not require a "setup" program and they do not affect the registry. They can be removed by simple deletion. 8. Are the "40H" tools 64-bit and do they use multiprocessing? They are each 32-bit tools and they do NOT use multiprocessing. 9. Are the "40H" downloads checked for viruses/malware? "40H" downloads are checked at www.virustotal.com 10. Is the "readme" file included in the download? Yes, and it is also on the website. The version on the website has the latest updates and corrections. ==================================================================== OVERVIEW OF TOOLS (FULL INSTRUCTIONS AT THE END OF THIS FILE) Each "40H-EPD" command-line tool consists of a single file. Each tool executes from a command-line in a "Command Prompt" window. The "40H-EPD" tools do not change any input file. Output appears in a new file(s). There are 29 tools and 6 batch scripts. Each batch script is paired with one of the tools. 1. "bmOpcode" is used in combination with the chess GUI "Arena 3.5.1" by Martin Blume, and a computer engine for analysis. Together they output "best move" ("bm"), "centipawn evaluation" ("ce"), and "predicted variation" ("pv") opcodes. 2. "epd3fold" / "pgn3fold" is used in combination with the utility tool "PGN-Extract" by David Barnes and the "40H-PGN" tool "numExtract". Together they input a "pgn" file and output those games having a 3-fold position repetition. 3. "epdAnalytic" is used in combination with the utility tool "PGN-Extract" by David Barnes and the "40H-EPD" tool "epdPly". "epdAnalytic" produces statistics about individual "epd" positions that occurred in a "pgn" file by using the results of the "parent" games where the positions occurred. 4. "epdColor" separates the records based on whether White or Black is the active color (the color that makes the next move). 5. "epdConvert" produces a "pgn" file from an "epd" file. Each "epd" record is put into a "pgn" game shell having a "FEN" tag. 6. "epdDifference" extracts records based on a user-specified simple material difference range between the pieces of the two colors. The user can use the default piece values, or specify custom values. The simple material difference of each record is listed in a separate file. 7. "epdEnPass" removes faux "en passant" target squares from an "epd" file. An "en passant" target square is faux when the side to move does NOT have a pawn in position to capture the target square. 8. "epdExtra" separates the records of the input "epd" file based on the number of "extra" promoted pieces. An extra promoted piece is a 2nd or more Queen, a 3rd or more Rook, Bishop, or Knight. 9. "epdFin" / "pgnFin" is used in combination with the utility tool "PGN-Extract" by David Barnes. Together they input a "pgn" file. Then for each game, they output the "epd" record of the final position. 10. "epdFlip" reverses the colors and does a vertical reflection about the imaginary horizontal line between ranks "4" and "5". The color to move, "castling" rights and "en passant" rights are also reversed. The new "epd" record is logically equivalent to the old "epd" record. 11. "epdImbalance" separates the records into two files. One for records where the opposing sides have different material (imbalanced), and the other for records where the opposing sides have the same material (balanced). 12. "epdInsert" appends new opcodes to the records. 13. "epdKings" extracts records where the Kings are advanced beyond each other. In other words, a record is extracted if the White King's rank (row) is higher than the Black King's rank (row). 14. "epdMask" extracts records based on a minimal user-specified "pieces/location structure" such as "2kr4/8/8/8/8/8/8/2KR4". 15. "epdMaterial" extracts records based on a user-specified file "pieces" that lists specific pieces and their specific quantities. 16. "epdOccur" lists the number of occurrences of each distinct position in the input "epd" file. It also lists the line numbers where the positions occurred. 17. "epdOrder" sorts the records in descending order based on the "centipawn evaluation" ("ce" opcode) of the position from White's perspective. 18. "epdPawnDifference" separates records based on the difference in the number of pawns of the two sides. 19. "epdPieces" extracts records based on a user-specified number range for the number of chess pieces on the board. 20. "epdPly" / "pgnPly" is used in combination with the utility tool "PGN-Extract" by David Barnes. Together they input a "pgn" file. Then for each game, they output the "epd" record of the position after a user-specified number of plies. 21. "epdPosition" inputs a user-specified "epd" search file and an "epd" input data file, then outputs records in the input data file that match the first and second fields of a position in the search file. 22. "epdRemove" removes a user-specified opcode from the "epd" input file and saves the removed opcode and its values in a second output file. 23. "epdSingle" removes records containing the same position as a previous record in the "epd" file. The removed records are saved. 24. "epdSort" sorts the records of the "epd" input file based upon the first four tokens in each record. 25. "epdTrim" removes all opcodes from the "epd" input file, and saves the removed opcodes two different ways - horizontally and vertically. 26. "epdTriplePawns" extracts records where there are 3 or more pawns of the same color in the same column. 27. "idOpcode" outputs a file of "id" opcodes, each containing an ID number. 28. "smOpcode" outputs supplied move ("sm") opcodes from a "pgn" file. Each "sm" opcode corresponds to an actual move in the "pgn" file. ==================================================================== BATCH/SCRIPT PGN TOOLS USing A 40H-EPD TOOL pgn3fold.cmd: extracts "pgn" games containing a 3-fold repetition of a position. Uses "pgn-Extract", "epd3fold" and "numExtract". pgnFin.cmd: lists the final position of each "pgn" game in "epd" format. Uses "pgn-Extract" and "epdFin". pgnMask.cmd: extracts "pgn" games containing a position with a user-specified "position/location" structure in "epd" format. Uses "pgn-Extract", "epdMask" and "numExtract". pgnMaterial.cmd: extracts "pgn" games containing a position with piece/ quantity values from the user-specified file "pieces". Uses "pgn-Extract", "epdMaterial" and "numExtract". pgnPly.cmd: lists the position in each "pgn" game that occurred after a user-specified ply. Outputs in "epd" format. Uses "pgn-Extract" and "epdPly". pgnPosition.cmd: extracts "pgn" games containing a position in a user-specified file of "epd" positions. Uses "pgn-Extract", "epdPosition" and "numExtract". Full instructions are available in the instructions for the related "40H-EPD" tool. The 6 batch script "pgn" tools are included in the "40H-EPD" download. All files executed within the batch script must either be in the Working Folder or on the System Path. An input data file must be in the Working Folder or be specified with a pathname. =================================================================== INTRODUCTION: Download the "40H-EPD" compressed file. It is packed in "7-zip" format. It can be unpacked using "7-zip", available at: http://www.7-zip.org Unpacking the main "40H-EPD" download file results in 28 "Windows" executable ("exe") files, 6 batch script ("cmd") files, and 1 readme file. The "readme-EPD" file is oriented to users of the "Windows" executable files. Users of the "Java" class files have to make adjustments for use in a Java Environment. Each "40H-EPD" tool is a "command-line tool", which means that it executes on a command-line in a "Command Prompt" window. The "40H-EPD" tools were written in "Java" and compiled using "gcj 3.4". All coding is original. Each "40H-EPD" tool consists of a single self-contained file. No external "dlls" are required. Each "40H-EPD" tool is portable and just has to be copied to be installed. It does not need a setup program and it does not write any data to the registry. Unless otherwise indicated, each "40H-EPD" tool inputs an "epd" file. "40H-EPD" tools DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES to the input files. Output appears in a new file(s). Output files are pre-named. Users should rename the output file(s) before they are overwritten by the next execution of the tool. "40-EPD" tools assume the records in the "epd" input files are written in Standard Algebraic Notation ("SAN") and adhere to the "EPD Standards" in the "Standard PGN Specification Guide". "EPD Standards" are in the "Standard PGN Specification Guide" at: http://www.saremba.de/chessgml/standards/pgn/pgn-complete.htm and also at http://jchecs.free.fr/pdf/EPDSpecification.pdf The 28 "40H-EPD" tools are: "bmOpcode", "epd3fold", "epdAnalytic", "epdColor", "epdConvert", "epdDifference", "epdEnPass", "epdExtra", "epdFin", "epdFlip", "epdImbalance", "epdInsert", "epdKings", "epdMask", "epdMaterial", "epdOccur", "epdOrder", "epdPawnDifference", "epdPieces", "epdPly", "epdPosition", "epdRemove", "epdSingle", "epdSort", "epdTrim", "epdTriplePawns", "idOpcode", and "smOpcode". The 6 batch/script "pgn" tools are: "pgn3fold", "pgnFin", "pgnMask", "pgnMaterial", "pgnPly" and "pgnPosition". Thanks to Jim Ablett for helping me get started on this project and for showing me how to create "Windows" executables for the tools. ==================================================================== LIMITATIONS: "40H-EPD" tools ONLY execute from a command-line within a Command Prompt. See http://dosprompt.info/ for Command Prompt support. "40H-EPD" tools are subject to the capacities of the maximum array sizes that are specified in their coding. These maximum array sizes are adequate for most "epd" input files. However, if you use a very large "epd" input file, there is a possibility that an overflow error will occur or that execution will take an extended amount of time. "40H-EPD" tools might not perform properly when processing an input "epd" file that is extremely fragmented. Be sure to defragment your hard drive regularly. "40H-EPD" tools might not perform properly when processing an input "epd" file that does NOT completely conform to "EPD" Standards". Some "40H-EPD" tools may take a very long time to process very large "epd" files. You could check the "Task Manager" if you think the tool has stalled. Newer versions of external tools mentioned in this document may or may not work properly with "40H" tools. In addition, the availability to download those tools may change. For example, a web site may change to a new address, or even discontinue. Any such event could affect "40H" tools. It is therefore suggested that you continue to keep a copy of any (old) version of an external tool that works properly with "40H" tools. ==================================================================== INSTALLATION, FILES, AND FOLDERS: Create a folder named "40H" if it does not already exist. Extract the download into the "40H" folder. The extraction will unpack the 28 tools into a subfolder named "40H-EPD-2023B". The tools can then be copied/moved to any other folder, preferably one that is already on the System Path. For users who only will be using the "40H-EPD" tools occasionally, the simplest arrangement is to copy the desired tool to the folder where the input file(s) are located and then run in that folder. This folder is referred to as the "Working Folder". Likewise, you could copy the input file(s) to the folder where the "40H-EPD" tools are located and then run in that folder. For users who will be using "40H-EPD" tools often, copy/move the "40H-EPD" tools to a folder that is already on the System Path. (Type "path" in a command window to see the System Path.) This way you can run any of the "40H-EPD" tools from any folder. If you do not have such a folder on your System Path, you would first have to create the folder and then edit the Path Variable. Use "search" in "Settings" to find "System Environment Variables". Then click on "Environment Variables", then "Path" in "System Variables", and then "edit". This may vary depending on "Windows" version. A pathname can be used to reference a "40H-EPD" tool and an input "epd" file, if either is not in the Working Folder. Other data files must be in the Working Folder. Input files are not changed. The user should still save all input "epd" files on another storage medium. Output appears in a new file(s). Running a "40H-EPD" tool without mentioning all required files and parameters will list the version number of the tool, the syntax, an example of usage, and the names of the output files. Output files are TEMPORARY files. They are created in the Working Folder. Be sure to rename/copy/move any output files that you want to keep. The next execution of the tool in that folder will overwrite the previous output file(s). Each tool has its own output file name(s) so that running more than one tool in the Working Folder will not overwrite the output file of a different tool. But, running the same tool twice will overwrite the output file from the first execution unless it was moved or renamed. Input files are not changed. Nevertheless, the user should make have backup copies in case something happens to the input file. And finally, a few miscellaneous important points: Do not change an original output file to "read-only" as that will prevent the creating tool from executing in that folder. Many "40H-EPD" output files that extract records are named in the form "out*.epd". Many times the records NOT extracted to "out*.epd" are output to files whose names are in the form "exclude*.epd". Many times the user is more interested in "exclude*.epd" than "out*.epd". A "40H-EPD" tool cannot use its output "epd" file as an input file unless the filename is changed. "40H-EPD" tools accept "UTF-8" encoded "epd" files. However, all "40H-EPD" output files are "Latin-1" encoded. "Latin-1" is the "PGN Standard". ==================================================================== EXECUTION: Each tool executes from a command-line in a "Command Prompt" window. The general format for running a tool is: tool_name [data_filename] epd_filename [parameter(s)] Examples: 1. epdImbalance alpha.epd 2. epdInsert inlist alpha.epd (uses data file) 3. idOpcode alpha.epd Openings (uses parameter) After entering the proper command-line, and making sure all files are accessible (either in the working folder or having a pathname), you then press to start execution. Some tools, like "epd3fold", "epdOccur" and "epdSort", take more time to execute large files compared to other "40H-EPD" tools. Output is in a new file(s) in the Working Folder. The original input file is not changed. Be sure to follow the specific instructions for each tool. ==================================================================== EXTERNAL TOOLS: Future updates of external tools might or might not work properly with "40H-EPD" tools. Listed below with each tool is a recent version number that is compatible with "40H-EPD" tools. Links are provided on the "40H" website. Users need a "PGN Viewer" to see a game or a position. The "PGN Viewer" could also be a GUI (graphical user interface) like "Winboard". Use "Flip View" to best analyze a position with Black to move. "PGN-Extract" by David Barnes is a PGN/EPD/FEN utility tool that performs many functions. "PGN-Extract" (version 18-10) is free to download. The current download site is: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/djb/extract.html "Arena" (version 3.5.1) by Martin Blume is a UCI/Winboard Graphical User Interface. "Arena" is free to download. Its current download site is: http://www.playwitharena.com/ ==================================================================== ==================================================================== JAVA / WINE There are two main options for running "40H" tools on a non-"Windows" platform. You can use the "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) or you can use "Wine". The JRE option requires the JRE to be installed. It may already be installed, use "java -version" in a command window to check. If it is installed but is not a recent version (less than 7), you should install the latest version. At this time, versions "8u111" and "8u112" are up-to-date. Download the "Java Runtime Environment" DIRECTLY from Oracle: www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html To use the JRE option with "40H" tools you have to download the "40H" "Java" class files from the download page. Each tool is contained within one class file so there is no need for "jar" files which are used when a "Java" application contains more than one class file. External tools might not have a "JRE" version. In this case, the "Wine" option should be tried. In the following examples, "tool_name" represents the file "tool_name.class" which can either be in the Working Folder or the "classpath". Do not include the ".class" extension in the command. Filenames in a "Java Runtime Environment" are case-sensitive. Usage: java tool_name datafile java [-cp classpath] tool_name datafile Examples: java epdOccur alpha.epd java -cp .\ epdOccur alpha.epd java -cp \myclassfiles epdOccur alpha.epd In the above examples, "epdOccur" represents "epdOccur.class". "\" may have to be replaced by "/" in some operating systems. The "Wine" option uses the "40H" "Windows" executables and runs them on the non-"Windows" platform. Download at: www.winehq.org/ ==================================================================== HOW TO USE "EPD" POSITIONS WITH THE PROGRAM "WINBOARD": To load an "epd" position that was copied to the clipboard, just paste it into Winboard. To load a file of "epd" position(s), go to the "File Menu" and choose "Load Position..." Then open the "epd" file. Step through the file using "Shift" + "PgDn". You can step backward using "PgUp" instead of "PgDn". Some "epd" files contain blank lines. These blank lines can cause problems with "Winboard". If the blank line is at the start, then "Winboard" will not read the file. If the blank line is after a data line, then a pop-up box will appear (click "OK"). One way to deal with this situation is to remove the blank lines using the "40H-TXT" tool "blankLines". ==================================================================== "EPD" RECORDS WITH A FAUX EN PASSANT NOTATION Since some "en passant" target square notations are faux (false, invalid, spurious, specious, erroneous, etc), determining if two "epd" records have the same position is a major problem. That is because all four fields (pieces/location, side to move, castling rights and "en passant" rights) must agree for the position to be the same. For example, consider the following two opening sequences: sequence A : 1. e4 Nf6 2. Nf3 sequence B : 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. e4 The two sequences result in the same position. However, from a computer viewpoint, the "epd" records of the resulting position are different because of a faux "en passant" notation. resulting epd record for sequence A : rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/8/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - resulting epd record for sequence B : rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/8/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq e3 The "en passant" target square notation "e3" from sequence B is faux because there is no opponent pawn in position to immediately make the capture at "e3". The capture has to be made on the next move because "en passant" notation expires after the opponent's next move. To deal with this problem, "40H-EPD" has a tool "epdEnPass" that removes faux "en passant" target square notations from an "epd" file. If the "epd" file was created using "PGN-Extract", using the "--nofauxep" parameter will do the same. Removing faux "en passant" target square notations should be done before using any tool that tries to find "epd" records with the same position. Currently, such tools in "40H-EPD" are "epd3fold", "epdOccur" and "epdSingle". ==================================================================== BATCH SCRIPTS ("cmd" or "bat" files) Using batch scripts can greatly increase the convenience of the "40H-EPD" suite. It can be used to string together several tools. All files mentioned within the batch script should be in the Working Folder or on the Path. Assuming the following is saved as "pgn3fold.cmd": PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd %1 epd3fold temp.epd numExtract numbers %1 Usage: pgn3fold alpha.epd Output: manifest-3f, outZ.pgn ==================================================================== OPCODES The following tools add or remove opcodes from all records in an "epd" file: epdInsert: adds a single opcode epdRemove : removes a single opcode epdTrim : removes all opcodes ==================================================================== ==================================================================== FULL USAGE INSTRUCTIONS: =========================(1) bmOpcode ============================== "bmOpcode" is used in combination with the chess GUI "Arena 3.5.1" by Martin Blume, and a computer engine for analysis. Together they output "best move" ("bm"), "centipawn evaluation" ("ce"), and "predicted variation" ("pv") opcodes. By using "epdInsert", and the output file "bmlist", "bm" and "ce" opcodes can be appended to the "epd" input file. By using "epdInsert", and the output file "pvlist", "pv" opcodes can be appended to the "epd" input file. "bmlist" and "pvlist" do not contain blank lines. If the "epd" input file contains blank line(s), the user will have to use a text editor to insert blank line(s) into "bmlist" and "pvlist" to coordinate with the "epd" file. In "Arena 3.5.1", use "Automatic Analysis" under "Engines". The engine you are going to use has to be "loaded", and "configured" if necessary. Only use one computer engine. ------ Configuration for "Arena 3.5.1": Within "Engine/Automatic Analysis/Source" set "Direction" to "forward". Within "Engines/Automatic Analysis/Engines" choose your engine and set the "Level". Within "Engine/Automatic Analysis/Output": a) Check that the output file name is "Analyses.log". Previous versions of "Arena" and "bmOpcode" used a different filename. "bmOpcode" looks for a file named "Analyses.log". b) set "Protocol file" to "Overwrite". Within "Engine/Automatic Analysis/Options" set Analysis Lines Minimum search depth to "1". Within "Options/Appearance/OtherSettings/Chess": set "Values always from white's point of view." This is to conform to "PGN Standards". ----- "bmOpcode" will input "Analyses.log" and create output files "bmlist" and "pvlist". "bmlist" contains "bm" and "ce" opcodes. "pvlist" contains "pv" opcodes. Line numbers in "bmlist" and "pvlist" match the corresponding record line numbers in the "epd" input file. "bmOpcode" only outputs one "bm" value per position. Additional "bm" values can be added by using a text editor. "bmOpcode" is dependent upon the engine producing a large amount of descriptive output. Since engines differ, "bmOpcode" performs better with some engines than with others. A value of "..." for a "bm", "ce" or "pv" opcode indicates that "bmOpcode" was not able to process that record. Sometimes running "bmOpcode" again will be successful. But there will be times when "bmOpcode" will not be able to be successful due to unusual output in "Analyses.log". To append the "bm" and "ce" opcodes in "bmlist", or the "pv" opcodes in "pvlist" to the "epd" input file: 1. << Arena outputs analysis.log from beta.epd >> 2. bmOpcode Analyses.log 3. << User checks bmlist against beta.epd >> 4. copy bmlist inlist OR copy pvlist inlist 5. epdInsert inlist beta.epd 6. << Output is outN.epd >> "Analyses.log" must be located in the Working Folder and cannot be referenced using a pathname. "bmOpcode" ONLY outputs one "bm" value, although occasionally Arena finds more than 1 "bm" (best move) for a position. To locate such additional "bm" moves, search "analyses.log" and search for "solutions" with the "s" at the end. Then using a text editor, add the additional "bm" moves into "bmlist". Do not insert any commas or other punctuation. For example: Suppose the original bmlist had the line: bm g2-g3; ce +M2; and suppose there is another equally good "bm" (best move): Rg6-g3. Then you would manually insert it into bmlist with a text editor: bm g2-g3 Rg6-g3; ce +M2; Syntax: bmOpcode Analyses.log Example: bmOpcode Analyses.log Output: bmlist, pvlist Comments: 1. A "ce" opcode gives a relative evaluation of a position, from the White point of view, based on "centipawns" which are 1/100 of a pawn. This is different, by a factor of 100, from the common evaluation based on one pawn. For example, a common evaluation of "+1.35" pawns is equivalent to a "ce" evaluation of "135". 2. A "pv" opcode gives a variation of what might happen with maximum play by both colors, starting with the "best move". It is the variation that the computer engine believes to be the best series moves for each side, at the time the engine stopped analyzing. 3. "bm", "ce" and "pv" values usually change as a computer engine continues to analyze a position. 4. Older versions of Arena (versions 1 and 2) used the spelling "Analysis.log" for the output log file. You would have to change the name to "Analyses.log" for use with "bmOpcode". =====================(2) epd3fold / pgn3fold ======================= "epd3fold" is used in combination with the utility tool "PGN-Extract" by David Barnes and the "40H-PGN" tool "numExtract". Together they input a "pgn" file and output those games having a 3-fold position repetition. A position is "repeated" if all pieces of the same kind and color are on identical squares, and all possible moves are the same. For computer processing, "epd3fold" interprets this to mean that the first four tokens in their respective "epd" records are identical. Although the two interpretations are ever so slightly different, the possible difference in output is microscopically small. For example, if one position has a "castling" permission that is temporarily blocked, it will have the same possible moves as a similar position that only differs by not having that castling permission. A 3-fold position repetition is very hard for humans to notice especially if the positions do not occur in successive moves. When using "epd3fold" you must precede it with either "PGN-Extract" using its "--nofauxep" parameter or "epdEnPass". This eliminates "faux" "en passant" notations. A "faux" "en passant" notation could cause "epd3fold" to incorrectly evaluate two positions as having different possible moves. (See below for an example.) "PGN-Extract", with the "--nofauxep" parameter, precedes "epd3fold" in the sequence of execution. Its job is to convert a file of games in "pgn" format to a file of games in "epd" format. It will also remove "faux" "en passant" notations. "epd3fold" then inputs the "epd" file produced by "PGN-Extract". For each game, "epd3fold" searches for repeated positions. When a 3-fold position repetition is found, "epd3fold" lists the game number, the "epd" position and the number of occurrences, in the output file "manifest-3f". "numExtract" follows "epd3fold". It uses the file "numbers" produced by "epd3fold" to output "outZ.pgn" which contains games having a 3-fold position repetition. A game will only be output once even if it has more than one 3-fold position repetition. To demonstrate what could happen if "faux" "en passant" notations are NOT removed before using "epd3fold", consider the following moves: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3, Ng1 Nb8 The positions are identical after move #1 and move #3. However, afer move #1, the "epd" has a "faux" target square "e6". rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq e6 rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - This difference would cause "epd3fold" to incorrectly evaluate the two positions as having different possible moves and therefore not be repetitions. Before using "epd3fold" it is important to remove "faux" "en passant" target squares. Syntax: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd filename.pgn epd3fold temp.epd numExtract numbers filename.pgn Output: manifest-3f, numbers, outZ.pgn Comments: 1. Because "epd3fold" with "PGN-Extract" requires three tools to be executed successively, a "Windows" batch script ("cmd" file) may be used for convenience. You can copy and paste the following code into a text editor, and save it with the name "pgn3fold.cmd" : PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd %1 epd3fold temp.epd numExtract numbers %1 Syntax: pgn3fold filename.pgn Example: pgn3fold beta.pgn 2. "pgn3fold.cmd" is included in the "40H-EPD" download. 3. Using the tool "gameNum" on the input "pgn" file before using "pgn3fold" might be helpful. 4. Removing faux "en passant" target squares from the "epd" input file is necessary to ensure full and accurate output from "epd3fold". This can be accomplished by first using "epdEnPass". Or, if the file was created by "PGN-Extract", be sure the "--nofauxep" parameter was used. 5. All files mentioned within the batch script must be in the Working Folder or on the Path. =========================(3) epdAnalytic =========================== "epdAnalytic" is used in combination with the utility tool "PGN-Extract" by David Barnes and the "40H-EPD" tool "epdPly". "epdAnalytic" produces statistics about individual "epd" positions that occurred in a "pgn" file by using the results of the "parent" games where the positions occurred. "PGN-Extract", with the "-Wepd" parameter outputs an "epd" file containing an "epd" record for each position in each game of the "pgn" file. Each of these "epd" records contains a "c1" opcode which has the result of the "parent" game that produced the "epd" record. An example of a "PGN-Extract" output line: r2nk2r/pbqpp1bp/1p3ppn/2p5/2P5/PP2PNN1/1B1PBPPP/R2QK2R w KQkq - c0 Owen, John-Burn, Amos Liverpool m Liverpool 1875.??.??; c1 1-0; After "PGN-Extract", with the "-Wepd" parameter, has produced an enormous number of "epd" records, the user should use a tool such as "epdPly" to reduce the size of the "epd" file. The following output line from "epdAnalytic" shows what it does: r1b2rk1/pppn1ppp/5q2/4p3/3P4/3B1N2/PPP2PPP/R2Q1RK1 w - - c0 Gms: 10; c1 Score: 65.0%; c2 Draws: 30.0%; c3 Wins: 50.0%; c4 Losses: 20.0%; The comment "c0" tells how many "parent" games occurred in the "pgn" file for this position. In this example, there were "10" parent games. The comment "c1" tells the result score percentage of the "parent" games. In this example, the score was "65.0%". The next 3 comments, "c2", "c3" and "c4" tell us the percentage of "draws", "wins" and "losses" for the parent games. In this example, draws were "30.0%", wins were "50.0%", and losses were "20.0%". Example of a full command sequence: PGN-extract -s -Wepd --nofauxep -otemp.epd alpha.pgn epdPly temp.epd 40 epdAnalytic outy.epd "epdAnalytic" has 2 output files, "outC0" and "outCS0". Each of these output files produce the opcodes "c0", "c1", "c2", "c3" and "c4". "c0" states the number of occurrences of the position, "c1" states the "score" percentage, "c2" states the "draw" percentage, "c3" states the "win" percentage and "c4" states the "loss" percentage. "outC0" outputs all the input records. "outCS0" processes all the input records but only outputs those records based on user-specified parameters. The user-specified parameters are OPTIONAL, and if they are omitted, "outCS0" will be an empty file. 6 optional parameters can be used in the command-line. These parameters only affect the "outCS0". The parameters restrict the output to a specified range of "Games", "Score", and "Draws". If the optional parameters are used, ALL 6 MUST BE USED. They are: NL : minimum value of the number of games having the record NH : maximum value of the number of games having the record SL : minimum value of the score percentage of the color to move SH : maximum value of the score percentage of the color to move DL : minimum value of the draw percentage DH : maximum value of the draw percentage The 6 optional parameters have the following ranges: NL, NH: greater than 0 also must be an integer. SL, SH, DL, DH: between 0.0 and 100.0 inclusive. Syntax of a command-line with the optional parameters: epdAnalytic alpha.epd [NL NH SL SH DL DH] Example #1 of a command-line with optional parameters: epdAnalytic alpha.epd 3 1000 0 100 0 100 The number of games is restricted from 3 to 1000 games inclusive. The score and draw percentages are not restricted (0% to 100%). Example #2 of a command-line with optional parameters: epdAnalytic alpha.epd 3 50 40 60 25 55 The number of games is restricted from 3 to 50 games inclusive. The score percentage is restricted from 40% to 60% inclusive. The draw percentage is restricted from 25% to 55% inclusive. Syntax: epdAnalytic filename.epd [NL NH SL SH DL DH] Examples: epdAnalytic beta.epd epdAnalytic beta.epd 5 1000 0 100 0 100 epdAnalytic beta.epd 5 1000 25 80 0 100 epdAnalytic beta.epd 5 1000 40 60 30 50 Example of a full command sequence with optional parameters: PGN-extract -s -Wepd --nofauxep -otemp.epd alpha.pgn epdPly temp.epd 40 epdAnalytic outy.epd 3 500 40 75 20 45 Output: outC0.epd, outCS0.epd Comments: 1. If you are using the optional parameters, all 6 must be used. 2. Not using any optional parameter will result in outCS0 being empty. 3. Decimal values can be used for SL, SH, DL, and DH. Integer values for NL and NH. 4. Use "--nofauxep" with "PGN-Extract". Otherwise faux "en passant" notations may cause incorrect output statistics. =========================(4) epdColor ============================== "epdColor" separates the records based on whether White or Black is the active color (the color that makes the next move). "outW.epd" contains the records having White move next and "outB.epd" contains the records having Black move next. Syntax: epdColor filename.epd Example: epdColor alpha.epd Output: outW.epd, outB.epd Comments: 1. "epdColor" is often used before using other tools in order to keep results separated by active color. =========================(5) epdConvert ============================ "epdConvert" produces a "pgn" file from an "epd" file. Each "epd" record is put into a "pgn" game shell having a "FEN" tag. Since the conversion is from an "epd" file, not a "fen" file, the values for the halfmove clock and the fullmove counter are not available. Therefore the default values of "0" and "1" are used. The output file is "outEPD.pgn". If a best move ("bm") or predicted variation ("pv") opcode is present, the "bm" move or the "pv" moves will be output. If both are present, only the "pv" moves will be output. Usually the first move of the "pv" is the "bm" move. If more than one "bm" value is present, only the first one will be processed. If an "id" opcode is present, it is output as an "ID" tag. Other opcode data is NOT carried forward to the "pgn" file. Each game in the output is presumed to have an undetermined result ("*"). If you suspect that a checkmate or stalemate is possible due to the "pv" or "bm" data, you can use "PGN-extract" with the "--fixresulttags" option to correct the results. For example: pgn-extract --fixresulttags -s -oout.pgn outEPD.pgn The file "out.pgn" will have the correct results for games ending in a checkmate or stalement. "PGN-extract" also checks the legality of the moves and converts LAN to SAN. The formatting in "outEPD.pgn" can be improved using "trim" from "40H-PGN". Syntax: epdConvert filename.epd Example: epdConvert alpha.epd Output: outEPD.pgn Comment: 1. Users who do NOT want to have the "bm" or "pv" moves output, should use "epdRemove" or "epdTrim" before using "epdConvert". 2. A "pgn" with a "FEN" tag is not useful if you are building an opening book. =========================(6) epdDifference ========================= "epdDifference" extracts records based on a user-specified simple material difference range between the pieces of the two colors. The user can use the default piece values, or specify custom values. The simple material difference of each record is listed in a separate file. "Simple material difference" is defined here as the difference between the total of the piece values of the active color minus the total of the piece values of the non-active color. The default piece values are Queen = 9, Rook = 5, Bishop = 3, Knight = 3 and Pawn = 1. The user can specify other values. "epdDifference" uses the perspective of the active color (the color making the next move). So, if the simple material difference is 3, it means that the total simple piece values of the active color exceed that of the non-active color by 3 Pawn units. Likewise, a simple material difference of -3 Pawn units means that the total simple piece value of the non-active color exceeds those of the active color by 3 Pawn units. The default simple material piece values are: Queen = 9 Pawn units. Rook = 5 Pawn units, Bishop = 3 Pawn units, Knight = 3 Pawn units, Pawn = 1 Pawn unit. The King is not given a piece value because each color always has exactly one King, and that balances out. Secondly, any piece value for the King would have to be infinite because of the King's infinite importance. The user has the option to set his own simple material piece values by specifying those values on the command line, after specifying the range. The user must specify the values in the order of Queen, Rook, Bishop and Knight. All 4 values must be specified even if it is a default value. The user does not have to specify a piece value for a Pawn because the Pawn is the unit of comparison. For example, if the user wants the Queen to be worth 10 Pawn units, and the Bishops to be worth 3.5 Pawn Units, and the Rook and Knight to retain their default values, the user would state the following: 10 5 3.5 3 Notice that there is a space between the values but there is no punctuation. The simple material difference is then calculated by taking the total simple piece value of the active color minus the total simple piece value of the non-active color. For example, 3r2q1/5pk1/6p1/6P1/7Q/8/6K1/7R w - - has total simple piece values of: White piece values: 1Q + 1R + 1P = 16 Black piece values: 1q + 1r + 2p = 17 Since White is the active color, the simple material difference = -1. The simple material difference is a very rough estimator of which color has the advantage in the game. It does NOT take into account the many nuances of each position such as threats, weaknesses, mobility, king protection, and impending captures. To run "epdDifference", the user has to specify a RANGE for the simple material difference. The minimum value is followed by the maximum value, but the minimum value can equal the maximum value. These values are inclusive. For example: epdDifference alpha.epd 2 5 will extract records from alpha.epd which have a simple material difference from 2 to 5 Pawn units, inclusive. An example where the user chooses the piece values: epdDifference alpha.epd 2 5 9.5 5 3.1 3 will extract records the same as in the previous example, except that new piece values are specified on the command line in the following order: Queen = 9.5 Pawn units, Rook = 5 Pawn units, Bishop = 3.1 Pawn units, Knight = 3 Pawn Units, The values of all four piece types must be listed if you want to change the piece values. And the order must be Queen, Rook, Bishop, and Knight. Other Usage examples: epdDifference alpha.epd 0 0 will extract records where the simple material difference is 0. Note that this does not mean that the two colors have the same pieces. epdDifference alpha.epd 2 2 The extracted records will have a simple material difference of exactly 2 Pawn units. The total simple material difference of the pieces of the active color exceeds those of the non-active color by exactly 2 Pawn units. epdDifference alpha.epd 2 6 The extracted records will have a simple material difference ranging from 2 Pawn units to 6 Pawn units inclusive. epdDifference alpha.epd -3 1 The extracted records will have a simple material difference ranging from -3 Pawn units to 1 Pawn unit inclusive. epdDifference alpha.epd -5 -2 The extracted records will have a simple material difference ranging from -5 Pawn units to -2 Pawn units inclusive. The output file "outM.epd" contains the records that are in the range. The output file "outSMD.epd" contains a list of all the records along with a new opcode "smd" that specifies the simple material difference for that record. The records are listed in the original input order. Syntax: epdDifference filename.epd min_diff max_diff [Qval Rval Bval Nval] Examples: epdDifference alpha.epd 2 4 epdDifference alpha.epd -3 5 epdDifference alpha.epd 2.1 6 9.5 5 3.3 3.2 Output: outM.epd, outSMD.epd, excludeM.epd Comments: 1. There are many opinions by chess experts concerning the best relative piece valuations. See "Wikipedia" on relative values of chess pieces for further information. 2. The user-specified numbers for the range and the custom material numbers can be decimal numbers. For example: epdDifference alpha.epd 2.3 4.4 9.6 5.2 3.1 2.8 where 2.3 and 4.4 are the range numbers, and 9.6, 5.2, 3.1 and 2.8 are the custom material numbers for a Queen, a Rook, a Bishop and a Knight. =========================(7) epdEnPass ============================= "epdEnPass" removes faux "en passant" target square notations from an "epd" file. An "en passant" target square notation is created immediately after a pawn moves two ranks from its starting position. The target square notation lists the square where the pawn would be if it had only moved one rank. An "en passant" target square notation gives the opponent permission, ON HIS NEXT MOVE ONLY, to capture the moved pawn at the target square with one of his pawns. The "en passant" capture move must be executed on the first move after an "en passant" target square occurs. If it is not used then, the permission expires. But chess rules do not specify that there MUST be an opponent pawn in position to make the capture. Most of the time there is no pawn in position to capture at the target square, so the capture is not possible and the target square is meaningless. However the existence of a meaningless, or "faux", target square interferes with computer searches. "epdEnPass" considers an "en passant" notation to be valid if there EXISTS an opponent pawn in position to make the capture at the target square. If is no captor pawn is in position to make the "en passant" capture, then "epdEnpass" considers the "en passant" notation to be "faux". In this case, "epdEnPass" removes the "faux" target square and replaces it with the symbol "-". For example, when White makes the opening move of "e4", the "en passant" target square notation "e3" is created. However, the opponent does not have a pawn in position to capture at "e3". Therefore, "epdEnPass" considers this "en passant" notation to be "faux", removes it, and replaces it with "-". The output file "outEP.epd" contains the corrected records and those records that did not need to be corrected. The output file "manifest-ep" contains a list of records that were changed along with their line numbers. Syntax: epdEnPass filename.epd Examples: epdEnPass alpha.epd Output: outEP.epd, manifest-ep Comments: 1. An "en passant" target square capture can only occur on the first move by the opponent after the target square has been created. The target square expires after the opponent's next move if the capture did not occur. 2. "epdEnPass" does NOT consider an "en passant" notation to be "faux" if a captor pawn is present but unable to capture because the capture would put its King in check. The target square is NOT removed by "epdEnPass". However, it will expire after the opponent's next move. 3. It is possible for two opponent pawns to be in position to make a capture at the target square. =========================(8) epdExtra ============================== "epdExtra" separates the records of the input "epd" file based on the number of "extra" promoted pieces. An extra promoted piece is a 2nd or more Queen, a 3rd or more Rook, Bishop, or Knight. "epdExtra" separates the records of an "epd" file into 3 files: (a) "outX0.epd" : neither side has an "extra" promoted piece. (b) "outX1.epd" : one or both sides has exactly one "extra" promoted piece and neither side has more than one "extra" promoted piece. (c) "outX2.epd" : one side or both sides have 2 or more "extra" promoted pieces. When a Pawn is promoted, it does not always result in an "extra" promoted piece. For example, if one side has previously lost its Queen, a new Queen by promotion is not "extra" because that side now has just 1 Queen. If another Pawn is promoted to a Queen, that side will have 2 Queens and therefore one "extra" promoted piece. Examples: 1. White and Black do not have any "extra" promoted pieces. The record belongs in "outX0.epd". Zero "extra" promoted pieces. 2. White has 2 Queens. The record belongs in "outX1.epd". White has 1 "extra" promoted piece. 3. White has 2 Queens and Black has 2 Queens. This record belongs in "outX1.epd". White and Black EACH have 1 "extra" promoted piece. 4. White has 2 Queens and Black has 3 Rooks. The record belongs in "outX1.epd". White and Black EACH have 1 "extra" promoted piece. 5. White has 3 Queens and Black has 2 Queens. The record belongs in "outX2.epd". White has 2 "extra" promoted pieces in total. 6. Black has 4 Rooks. The record belongs in "outX2.epd". Black has 2 "extra" promoted pieces in total. 7. White has 3 Knights and 3 Bishops. The record belongs in "outX2.epd". White has 2 "extra" promoted pieces in total. Syntax: epdExtra filename.epd Usage: epdExtra alpha.epd Output: outX0.epd, outX1.epd, outX2.epd =========================(9) epdFin / pgnFin ======================= "epdFin" is used in combination with the utility tool "PGN-Extract" by David Barnes. Together they input a "pgn" file. Then for each game, they output the "epd" record of the final position. Optionally, "epdFin" can output a user-specified number of records from the end of each game. "PGN-Extract" outputs an intermediate "epd" file, "temp.epd", which contains all the "epd" records (positions) encountered in the input "pgn" file. A blank line separates successive games. Then "epdFin" inputs "temp.epd" and outputs the last record of each game to "outF.epd". If the user specifies the optional "record_number", then that number of records will be output from the end of each game. If a game has fewer records than the user-specified "record_number", then all of its records will be output. Example: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd alpha.pgn epdFin temp.epd 3 will output the final 3 "epd" records from each game. If 2 or more records from the end of each game are requested, then the output file inserts a blank line between each output set. Syntax: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd filename.pgn epdFin temp.epd [record_number] Example: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd alpha.pgn epdFin temp.epd Example: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd alpha.pgn epdFin temp.epd 20 Output: outF.epd When using "epdFin" by itself: Syntax: epdFin filename.epd [record_number] Output: outF.epd Comments: 1. Because "epdFin" requires two tools to be executed successively, a "Windows" batch script ("cmd" file) may be used for convenience. You can copy and paste the following code into a text editor, and save it with the name "pgnFin.cmd" : PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd %1 epdFin temp.epd %2 Syntax: pgnFin filename.pgn [record_number] Example: pgnFin beta.pgn Example: pgnFin beta.pgn 5 2. "pgnFin.cmd" is included in the "40H-EPD" download. 3. The output file "outF.epd" can be used by "epdOccur" to see which games have the same final position. In this case, you should number comment each game using "gameNum" from "40H-PGN". 4. All files mentioned within the batch script must be in the Working Folder or on the Path. =========================(10) epdFlip =============================== "epdFlip" reverses the colors and does a vertical reflection about the imaginary horizontal line between ranks "4" and "5". The color to move, "castling" rights and "en passant" rights are also reversed. The new "epd" record is logically equivalent to the old "epd" record. r2qkb1r/pp1n1ppp/2p2n2/3pp3/6b1/3P1NP1/PPPNPPBP/R1BQ1RK1 w kq e6 r1bq1rk1/pppnppbp/3p1np1/6B1/3PP3/2P2N2/PP1N1PPP/R2QKB1R b KQ e3 To get a visual comparison, open 2 instances of your "PGN viewer". Put the original "epd" record in one instance, and put the "flipped" "epd" record in the other. Be sure both "PGN Viewers" have the same "View". For example, neither is in "flip" view mode. Compare. The output files of "epdFlip" do not retain opcodes since flipping could make the original opcodes incorrect. The output has 3 files: "outZ.epd", "outZB.epd", and "outZW.epd". "outZ.epd" contains the flipped "epd" records. All opcodes are removed. "outZB.epd" contains the original "Black to move" records and the flipped "White to move" records. All records in "outZB.epd" have "Black to move". All opcodes are removed. "outZW.epd" contains the original "White to move" records and the flipped "Black to move" records. All records in "outZW.epd" have "White to move". All opcodes are removed. If the user wishes to restore the opcodes, here is what he should do. First, save the opcodes to "hlist" with "epdTrim". Second, run "epdFlip". Third, restore the opcodes to the output file with "idOpcode". For example: epdTrim alpha.epd epdFlip alpha.epd copy hlist inlist idopcode inlist outZ.epd Syntax: epdFlip filename.epd Example: epdFlip alpha.epd Output: outZ.epd, outZB.epd, outZW.epd Comments: 1. "epdColor" separates "epd" records by the color to move. 2. "epdTrim" can remove opcodes and save them. 3. "epdInsert" can insert opcodes, =========================(11) epdImbalance ========================== "epdImbalance" separates the records into two files. One for records where the opposing sides have different material (imbalanced), and the other for records where the opposing sides have the same material (balanced). "outIM.epd" contains the records where the two sides DO NOT have the same set of pieces (imbalanced) and "excludeIM.epd" contains the records where the two sides have the same set of pieces (balanced). Syntax: epdImbalance filename.epd Example: epdImbalance alpha.epd Output: outIM.epd, excludeIM.epd Comment: 1. No distinction is made between bishops that move on different colored squares ("light"/"dark"). =========================(12) epdInsert ============================ "epdInsert" appends new opcodes to the records. "epdInsert" can be used in conjunction with "bmOpcode" and "idOpcode". New opcodes are first put into a text file "inlist". Sample "inlist" file: bm a4; bm Be2; c1 stalemate; The above 3 opcodes will be appended to records 1-2-3 of the "epd" input file. The user MUST check "inlist" for accuracy and line number. The new opcodes are attached to the records in the "epd" input file with the same line numbers. Blank lines are permitted in "inlist" and are necessary if the corresponding records in the "epd" input file are to be unchanged. "inlist" must be located in the Working Folder and cannot be referenced using a pathname. Syntax: epdInsert inlist filename.epd Example: epdInsert inlist alpha.epd Output: outN.epd =========================(13) epdKings ============================= "epdKings" extracts records where the Kings are advanced beyond each other. In other words, a record is extracted if the White King's rank (row) is higher than the Black King's rank (row). In the opening position, the White pieces are on Rank 1, and the Black pieces are on Rank 8. An example of the type of position being extracted is the White King on Rank 5 and the Black King on Rank 4. "outG.epd" contains the extracted records. "excludeG.epd" contains the remaining records. Syntax: epdKings filename.epd Example: epdKings alpha.epd Output: outG.epd, excludeG.epd =========================(14) epdMask / pgnMask ==================== "epdMask" extracts records based on a minimal user-specified "pieces/location structure" such as "2kr4/8/8/8/8/8/8/2KR4". "epdMask" can also be used in combination with "PGN-Extract" by David Barnes. The "pieces/location structure" cannot have any embedded spaces, and does not have to be enclosed in quotation marks. The "pieces/location structure" is a minimal list. Kings are NOT required to be part of the structure. The extracted records will usually contain additional pieces. The output file "outK.epd" contains the extracted records. The output file "outK2.epd" adds the input line number to each record by using an opcode named "line". The next two output files are ONLY useful when "epdMask" is used in combination with "PGN-Extract". The output file "outK3.epd" adds the input game number and ply number to each record by using opcodes "game" and "ply" respectively. The output file "numbers" lists the game numbers of the games that produced extracted records. "numbers" is used as input to the "40H-PGN" tool "numExtract" to extract the "pgn" games. When using "epdMask" by itself: Syntax: epdMask filename.epd epd_structure Output: outK.epd, outK2.epd, outK3.epd, numbers To extract games from a "pgn" file that contains a position with the user-specified "pieces/location structure", you would execute these commands: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd filename.pgn epdMask temp.epd epd_structure numExtract numbers filename.pgn "PGN-Extract" outputs "temp.epd", which contains all the "epd" records (positions) encountered in the input "pgn" file. A blank line separates successive games. "epdMask" inputs "temp.epd" and the user-specified "pieces/location structure". Then each "epd" record, where the structure is found, is output to "outK.epd", "outK2.epd" and "outK3.epd". Also, the game number is output to the file "numbers". "numExtract" inputs the original "pgn" file and the file "numbers" and extracts the games. Only one instance of the game is output even if the game has multiple positions with the structure. When using "epdMask" by itself: Syntax: epdMask filename.epd epd_structure Example: epdMask alpha.epd 2kr4/8/8/8/8/8/8/2KR4 Output: outK.epd, outK2.epd, outK3.epd, numbers When using "epdMask" in combination with "PGN-Extract": Syntax: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd filename.pgn epdMask temp.epd epd_structure numExtract numbers filename.pgn Example: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd beta.pgn epdMask temp.epd 2kr4/8/8/8/8/8/8/2KR4 numExtract numbers beta.pgn Output: outZ.pgn, excludeZ.pgn, outK.epd, outK2.epd, outK3.epd, numbers, temp.epd The output file "outZ.pgn" contains those games having a position with the user-specified structure. Comments: 1. "epdMask" output matches the user-specified "pieces/location structure" MINIMALLY. That means that additional pieces can be present. 2. Since You need to use several steps to extract "pgn" games containing a position with the user-specified structure, a "Windows" batch script ("cmd" file) may be used for convenience. You can copy and paste the following code into a text editor, and save it with the name "pgnMask.cmd" : PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd %1 epdMask temp.epd %2 numExtract numbers %1 Syntax: pgnMask filename.pgn epd_structure Example: pgnMask beta.pgn 2kr4/8/8/8/8/8/8/5RK1 Output: outZ.pgn, excludeZ.pgn, outK.epd, outK2.epd, outK3.epd, numbers, temp.epd 3. "pgnMask.cmd" is included in the "40H-EPD" download. 4. All files mentioned within the batch script must be in the Working Folder or on the Path. =========================(15) epdMaterial/pgnMaterial ============== "epdMaterial" extracts records based on a user-specified text file "pieces" that lists piece/quantity values. "epdMaterial" can also be used in combination with "PGN-Extract" by David Barnes. To create the text file "pieces", use the "epd" notation for the different pieces followed by a space and then the quantity. Each piece must be on a separate line. Kings are not listed since there must be 1 for each side. For example, "pieces" could be: N 2 R 0 Q 1 b 0 r 2 p 4 q 0 The above piece/quantity values require an extracted record to have (in addition to the 2 kings) exactly 2 White knights, 0 White rooks, 1 White queen, 0 Black bishops, 2 Black rooks, 4 Black pawns and 0 Black queens. Note that an extracted record must not have a White rook ("R"), a Black bishop ("b") or a Black queen ("q") because they were assigned a value of 0. Also note that the extracted records do not have a requirement for the White pawns, White bishops, or Black knights because "P", "B", and "n" were omitted from "pieces". Those pieces can be present in any legal quantity. Pieces and their quantities can be listed in "pieces" in any order. The use of the file "pieces" allows the user to specify, or NOT specify, an exact quantity for each of the 10 types of pieces: (P, N, B, R, Q, p, n, b, r, q). When using "epdMaterial" by itself: Syntax: epdMaterial pieces filename.epd Example: epdMaterial pieces alpha.epd Output: outV.epd, outV2.epd, outV3.epd, numbers The output file "outV.epd" extracts those records in the input "epd" file whose material is specified in "pieces". The output file "outV2" adds the line numbers from the input "epd" file by using an opcode named "line". The next two output files are ONLY useful when "epdMaterial" is used in combination with "PGN-Extract". The output file "outV3.epd" adds the game numbers from the input "pgn" file, and the ply numbers from those games, by using opcodes "game" and "ply". The output file "numbers" lists the game numbers of the "pgn" games that produced the extracted records. "numbers" is used as input to the "40H-PGN" tool "numExtract" to extract the "pgn" games. To extract games from a "pgn" file that contains a position with the material specified in "pieces", you would execute these commands: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd filename.pgn epdMaterial pieces temp.epd numExtract numbers filename.pgn "PGN-Extract" outputs an "epd" file, "temp.epd", which contains ALL the positions ("epd" records) encountered in the input "pgn" file. A blank line separates successive games. "epdMaterial" inputs the user-specified text file "pieces" and the file "temp.epd". It then outputs each record having the material specified in "pieces" to "outV.epd", "outV2.epd" and "outV3.epd". It also outputs a list of game numbers that produced the extracted records to the file "numbers". "numExtract" inputs the file "numbers" and the original "pgn" file and extracts games containing a position having the material specified in "pieces". Only one instance of the game is output even if the game has multiple positions with the material specified by "pieces". When using "epdMaterial" in combination with "PGN-Extract": Syntax: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd filename.pgn epdMaterial pieces temp.epd numExtract numbers filename.pgn Example: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd beta.pgn epdMaterial pieces temp.epd numExtract numbers beta.pgn Output: outZ.pgn, excludeZ.pgn, outV.epd, outV2.epd, outV3.epd, numbers, temp.epd Comments: 1. "pieces" is case-sensitive. 2. Since several steps are needed to extract "pgn" games containing a position with the user-specified pieces, a "Windows" batch script ("cmd" file) may be used for convenience. You can copy and paste the following code into a text editor, and save it with the name "pgnMaterial.cmd" : PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd %2 epdMaterial pieces temp.epd numExtract numbers %2 Syntax: pgnMaterial pieces filename.pgn Example: pgnMaterial pieces beta.pgn Output: outZ.pgn, excludeZ.pgn, outK.epd, outK2.epd, outK3.epd, numbers, temp.epd 3. "pgnMaterial.cmd" is included in the "40H-EPD" download. 4. All files mentioned within the batch script must be in the Working Folder or on the Path. =========================(16) epdOccur ============================== "epdOccur" lists the number of occurrences of each distinct position in the input "epd" file. An "epd" position consists of the first 4 tokens of an "epd" record. "epdOccur" also lists the line numbers where the positions occurred. Positions having the same "piece placement", "side to move", "castling rights' and "en passant" target square values, are considered to have the same position. All four items must agree. Records with the same position can have different opcodes. A record with a faux "en passant" target square will have a different position compared to the same record not having a target square. Therefore the user should remove faux "en passant" target squares before using "epdOccur". The tool "epdEnPass" can be used to remove them. The output files are "outL1.epd" and "outL2.epd". "outL1.epd" contains opcode "c0" which lists the number of occurrences of the position. "outL2.epd" also contains the opcode "c1" which lists the line numbers of the occurrences. Original opcodes are omitted in the output files. Example of an output line in "outL2.epd": 3Q4/p3b1k1/2p2rPp/2q5/4B3/P2P4/8/6RK w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 467 536; c0 indicates two occurrences of the position and c1 indicates that they are on lines 467 and 536. If you want to remove duplicate "epd" positions, then you should use "epdSingle". Syntax: epdEnPass filename.epd epdOccur outEP.epd Output: outL.epd, outL2.epd Comments: 1. Removing faux "en passant" target squares from the "epd" input file is necessary to ensure full and accurate output from "epdOccur". This can be accomplished by first using "epdEnPass". Or, if the file was created by "PGN-Extract", be sure the "--nofauxep" parameter was used. 2. "txtOccur" in "40H-TXT" tools lists the occurrences of lines in an ordinary text file. "txtOccur" compares entire lines whereas "epdOccur" only compares the first 4 tokens of the lines. 3. "epdOccur" ignores blank lines and does not output blank lines. =========================(17) epdOrder ============================= "epdOrder" sorts the records in descending order based on the "centipawn evaluation" ("ce" opcode) of the position from White's perspective. The "ce" opcode evaluates the strength of the position from the viewpoint of the White pieces. The record with the highest "ce" value (the strongest position for White) is listed first and the record with the lowest "ce" value (the weakest position for White) is listed last. "ce" opcode values are expressed in "centipawns". A "centipawn" is one-hundredth of a pawn. Examples: "137" and "-137". A "ce" value of 137 means that White is evaluated to be winning by the equivalent of 1.37 pawns. Similarly, a "ce" value of -137 means that White is evaluated to be losing by the equivalent of 1.37 pawns. In addition, there are "ce" values that start with "+M" and "-M". Examples: "+M5" and "-M5". These values indicate the number of moves to checkmate with ACCURATE play. A value of "+M2" is rated higher than "+M5" because White can mate in fewer moves. Likewise "-M5" is rated higher than "-M2" because White gets mated in a greater number of moves. The "M" values are technically not part of "EPD Standards" but are commonly used as they are easily converted to and from the numerical values that "ce" uses. Syntax: epdOrder filename.epd Example: epdOrder alpha.epd Output: outD.epd =========================(18) epdPawnDifference ==================== "epdPawnDifference" separates records based on the difference in the number of pawns of the two sides. "outPD.epd" contains the records where the absolute value of the difference in the number of pawns of the two sides equals or exceeds a user-specified number (1-8). "excludePD.epd" contains the remaining records. The optional "min_pawn_difference" parameter must be a number from "1" to "8". For example: epdPawnDifference alpha.epd 1 "outPD" contains records where the absolute value of the difference in the number of pawns is "1" or more, and "excludePD.epd" contains the remaining records. epdPawnDifference alpha.epd 3 "outPD" contains records where the absolute value of the difference in the number of pawns is "3" or more, and "excludePD.epd" contains the remaining records. Syntax: epdPawnDifference filename.epd min_pawn_difference Examples: epdPawnDifference alpha.epd 1 epdPawnDifference alpha.epd 5 Output: outPD.epd, excludePD.epd =========================(19) epdPieces ============================ "epdPieces" extracts records based on a user-specified number range for the number of chess pieces on the board. Usage examples: epdPieces alpha.epd 10 15 will output "epd" records containing 10 to 15 pieces inclusive. epdPieces alpha.epd 11 11 will output "epd" records containing exactly 11 pieces. The output file "outP.epd" contains the "epd" records with the number of pieces in the user-specified number range. The output file "outP2.epd" adds the input line number to each record by using an opcode named "line". The output file "lineNums" lists the line numbers of the output records in the input "epd" file. Syntax: epdPieces filname.epd min_pieces max_pieces Examples: epdPieces alpha.epd 10 10 epdPieces alpha.epd 8 11 Output: outP.epd, outP2.epd, lineNums =========================(20) epdPly / pgnPly ====================== "epdPly" is used in combination with the utility tool "PGN-Extract" by David Barnes. Together they input a "pgn" file. Then for each game, they output the "epd" record of the position after a user- supplied number of plies. "PGN-Extract" outputs an intermediate "epd" file, "temp.epd", which contains all the "epd" records (positions) encountered in the input "pgn" file. A blank line separates successive games. Then "epdPly" inputs "temp.epd" and a user-specified ply number. Then for each game, the "epd" record for the position after the user-specified ply is output to "outY.epd". If the record does not exist, a blank line is output. For example, if 0 is the user-specified ply number, the first record of each game is output. For example, if 24 is the user-specified ply number, the 25th record of each game, if it exists, is output. If it does not exist, a blank line is output. Syntax: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd filename.pgn epdPly temp.epd ply_number Example: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd alpha.pgn epdPly temp.epd 30 Output: outY.epd When using "epdPly" by itself: Syntax: epdPly filename.epd ply_number Output: outY.epd Comments: 1. Because "epdPly" requires two tools to be executed successively, a "Windows" batch script ("cmd" file) may be used for convenience. You can copy and paste the following code into a text editor, and save it with the name "pgnPly.cmd" : PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd %1 epdPly temp.epd %2 Syntax: pgnPly filename.pgn ply_number Example: pgnPly beta.pgn 30 2. "pgnPly.cmd" is included in the "40H-EPD" download. 3. The output file "outY.epd" can be used by "epdOccur" to see which games have the same position after the user-specified ply. In this case, you should number comment each game using "gameNum" from "40H-PGN". 4. All files mentioned within the batch script must be in the Working Folder or on the Path. =========================(21) epdPosition / pgnPosition ============ "epdPosition" inputs a user-specified "epd" search file and an "epd" input data file, then outputs records in the input data file that match the first and second fields of a position in the search file. "epdPosition" can be used in combination with the utility tool "PGN-Extract", by David Barnes, and the "40H-PGN" tool "numExtract". Used together, they input a user-specified "epd" search file and a "pgn" game file, then outputs the "pgn" games matching a position in the "epd" search file. "epdPosition" seeks to match both the first and second fields of each record in the "epd" input file with the corresponding fields of a record in the "epd" search file. An example of the first and second fields of an "epd" record: rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w The first field above is the "pieces/location" field and the second field is the "side to move" field. The above is not a full "epd" record because the castling rights field and the "en passant" target square field are missing. "epdPosition" outputs two files, "manifest-ps" and "numbers". For each "epd" match, "manifest-ps" lists the "epd" record from "search.epd" and the "epd" record from the input "epd" file. It then lists the source of the input "epd" record. In the case where "PGN-Extract" was used ("pgn" input), the game number and ply number in the input "pgn" file are listed. In the case where "epdPosition" is used by itself ("epd" input), the line number record in the input "epd" file is listed. There may be some differences between the two matching "epd" records in "manifest-ps". They might differ with regard to castling rights, "en passant" target square, or opcodes. This is because the input "epd" records were only matched on the first two fields. "numbers" lists the game numbers where the matches occurred, assuming "PGN-Extract" was used. It is an input file for "numExtract". When used with "PGN-Extract", "PGN-Extract" precedes "epdPosition". "PGN-Extract" inputs a "pgn" file and outputs an "epd" file containing the positions of the "pgn" games. The "epd" file produced by "PGN-Extract" is processed as the "epd" input file by "epdPosition". The "numbers" file produced by "epdPosition" is processed by "numExtract" along with the original "pgn" file. "numExtract" outputs "outZ.pgn" which contains the games containing the matching positions. A game with a match is output only once, even if the game has multiple matches. However, each match will be listed separately in "manifest-ps". If "search.epd" contains more than one record, you should use the "40H-PGN" tool "gameNum" on the input "pgn" file before using "PGN-Extract". This will make it easier to match "pgn" games and "epd" records. When using "epdPosition" by itself: Syntax: epdPosition search.epd filename.epd Example: epdPosition search.epd alpha.epd Output: manifest-ps, numbers When using "epdPosition" with "PGN-Extract" and "numExtract": Syntax: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd filename.pgn epdPosition search.epd temp.epd numExtract numbers filename.pgn Example: PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd alpha.pgn epdPosition search.epd temp.epd numExtract numbers alpha.pgn Output: manifest-ps, numbers, outZ.pgn Comments: 1. Because three tools are to be executed successively, a "Windows" batch script ("cmd" file) may be used for convenience. You can copy and paste the following code into a text editor, and save it with the name "pgnPosition.cmd" : PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -otemp.epd %2 epdPosition %1 temp.epd numExtract numbers %2 Examples: pgnPosition search.epd alpha.pgn 2. "pgnPosition.cmd" is included in the "40H-EPD" download. 3. "pgnPosition.cmd" combined with a very large "pgn" database will enable the user to find many "proof games" (moves from the starting position to a selected "epd" position). 4. "temp.epd" is produced by "PGN-Extract". It is a very large file because it contains the "epd" record of each position in the input "pgn" file. It should NOT be deleted too soon because you may want to reuse it and it takes a long time to produce. =========================(22) epdRemove ============================ "epdRemove" removes a user-specified opcode from the "epd" input file and saves the removed opcode and its values in a second output file. "epdRemove" outputs the file "outR.epd". "outR.epd" does not contain the specified opcode. "rlist" lists the removed opcode and its values. This tool could also be called "epdOpcodeExtract" because of "rlist". The user can only specify one opcode per execution. If there are multiple instances of the same opcode in a record, all instances will be removed. If you want to use "epdRemove" again, you have to first rename the output file before using it as input file. Use "epdTrim" if you want to remove all opcodes. Blank lines are retained in both "outR.epd" and "rlist". Syntax: epdRemove filename.epd opcode_type Example: epdRemove alpha.epd id Output: outR.epd, rlist =========================(23) epdSingle ============================ "epdSingle" removes records containing the same position as a previous record in the "epd" file. An "epd" position consists of the first 4 tokens of an "epd" record. The removed records are saved. Positions having the same "piece placement", "side to move", "castling rights' and "en passant" target square values, are considered to have the same position. All four items must agree. A record with a faux "en passant" target square will have a different position compared to the same record not having a target square. Therefore remove faux "en passant" target squares before using "epdOccur". The tool "epdEnPass" can be used to remove them. Records with the same position can have different opcodes. The output file is outA.epd. The removed records are saved in excludeA.epd. The output records remain in the original order except for the duplicate records that were removed. Opcodes are not changed. Blank lines are removed. If you are interested in the number of occurrences of each position and, optionally, what line they are on, then you should use "epdOccur". Syntax: epdEnPass filename.epd epdSingle outEP.epd Output: outA.epd, excludeA.epd Comments: 1. Removing faux "en passant" target squares from the "epd" input file is necessary to ensure full and accurate output from "epdSingle". This can be accomplished by first using "epdEnPass". Or, if the file was created by "PGN-Extract", be sure the "--nofauxep" parameter was used. 2. "txtSingle" in "40H-TXT" tools removes duplicates of lines in an ordinary text file. "txtSingle" compares entire lines whereas "epdSingle" only compares the first 4 tokens of the lines. =========================(24) epdSort ============================== "epdSort" sorts the records of the "epd" input file based upon the first four tokens in each record. The default order is ascending order. Use the optional parameter "down" for descending order. Positions having the same "piece placement", "side to move", "castling rights' and "en passant" target square values, are considered to have the same position. All four items must agree. Records with the same position can have different opcodes. A record with a faux "en passant" target square will have a different position compared to the same record not having a target square. Therefore the user should remove faux "en passant" target squares before using "epdSort". The tool "epdEnPass" can be used to remove them. Blank lines are deleted in the output file. Syntax: epdSort filename.epd [down] Usage: epdSort alpha.epd epdSort alpha.epd down Output: outS.epd Comments: 1. "down" is case-sensitive. 2. "txtSort" in "40H-TXT" sorts by comparing complete lines, not just the first 4 tokens as is the case with "epdSort". =========================(25) epdTrim ============================== "epdTrim" removes all opcodes from the "epd" input file, and saves the removed opcodes two different ways - horizontally and vertically. There are 3 output files. The output file "outT.epd" does not have any opcodes. Blank lines are retained. The output file "hlist" lists the removed opcode values horizontally as they appear in the input file. Blank lines are retained. Sample output in "hlist": bm f5; id "Undermine.001"; c0 "f5=10, Be5+=2, Bf2=3, Bg4=2" bm c5; id "Undermine.002"; c0 "c5=10, Qd4+=4, b5=4, g4=3"; The output file "vlist" lists the line number and then each removed opcode value on a separate line. Sample output in "vlist": line # 1 bm f5 id "Undermine.001" c0 "f5=10, Be5+=2, Bf2=3, Bg4=2" line # 2 bm c5 id "Undermine.002" c0 "c5=10, Qd4+=4, b5=4, g4=3" Syntax: epdTrim filename.epd Example: epdTrim alpha.epd Output: outT.epd, hlist, vlist Comments: 1. Use "epdRemove" to remove one opcode or to list the values of one opcode. =========================(26) epdTriplePawns ======================= "epdTriplePawns" extracts records where there are 3 or more pawns of the same color in the same column. The extracted "epd" records are in "outTP.epd". Other records are in "excludeTP.epd". Syntax: epdTriplePawns filename.epd Example: epdTriplePawns alpha.epd Output: outTP.epd, excludeTP.epd =========================(27) idOpcode ============================= "idOpcode" outputs a file of "id" opcodes, each containing an ID number. The default starting ID number is "1". Succeeding numbers increase by 1. The user can optionally specify a different starting number. The starting ID number can be changed by listing it at the end of the command line. For example: idOpcode alpha.txt 31 will start with "31" as the first ID number. Sample output in output file "idlist": id "1"; id "2"; id "3"; The user can attach the opcodes in "idlist" to the records of the "epd" file by using "epdInsert". For example: idOpcode beta.txt copy idlist inlist epdInsert inlist beta.txt Sample output line: r1bq1rk1/pp2bppp/2n2n2/2pp2B1/3P4/2N2NP1/PP2PPBP/R2Q1RK1 b - - id "4"; Syntax: idOpcode filename.epd [startNum] Examples: idOpcode alpha.epd idOpcode alpha.epd 51 Output: idlist =========================(28) smOpcode ============================= "smOpcode" outputs supplied move ("sm") opcodes from a "pgn" file. Each "sm" opcode corresponds to an actual move in the "pgn" file. For example: sm 14W Qxh7; indicates that White's 14th move is Qxh7. "smOpcode" inputs a "pgn" file and outputs opcodes for attachment in an "epd" file. The output file "smlist" lists the "sm" opcodes one per line. If there are multiple games in the "pgn" file, then "smlist" separates the "sm" opcodes of successive games by inserting two blank lines. The reason for the extra blank line is that no move is played from the final position. The "sm" opcodes can be appended to the "epd" records of the positions where the moves were played. An "epd" file can be created from an input "pgn" file using "PGN-Extract" by David Barnes. Then "epdInsert" can be used to append the "sm" opcodes to the corresponding records of the "epd" file. To append the "sm" opcodes to the "epd" file from "PGN-Extract": 1. PGN-Extract -Wepd --nofauxep -s -obeta.epd beta.pgn 2. smOpcode beta.pgn 3. << User checks smlist against beta.epd >> 4. copy smlist inlist 5. epdInsert inlist beta.epd 6. << Output is outN.epd >> Usage: smOpcode beta.pgn Output: smlist ==================================================================== ====================================================================